Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exams are over. Uni is over.

Good morning.

This morning I woke up to the (extremely) weird feeling of not feeling guilty for taking the night off after a few cheeky ones in the faversham followed by spending the evening in the terrace. It was good to relax after my last exam.

As for my project I am going to try and get more extensive feedback from Kevin and Derek. However, my grades were mainly 11s and 12s with a 15 for the quality of report write up/reflection.

Mainly marks were lost for evaluation which apparently didn't flow to recommendations. The other problem was not investigating a complex range of solutions as I apparently selected what was convenient (I think was the comment), which is disappointing because I felt I was very restricted in choice. The evaluation consisted of three elements and I had to go and interview about 7-8 different people followed by hours of analysis and write up trying to contain it in 6-8 pages (so 11 is slightly annoying not even reaching the 2.1 bracket).

Anyway- I needed 50 on the remaining exams to score 60.7 for the year. I hope I've done that.

I'm going to catch up with family for the rest of this week then the job hunt starts next Monday when I get to Reading.

Have a good week and enjoy the weather!

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