Saturday, September 26, 2009

A new journey

I don't usually find myself working a Saturday, not since the days of being a university finalist anyway. So I guess today comes as an exception but in a funny way it's a delight to me that I'm enjoying my work enough that I have the motivation to progress over a weekend.

The first 6-7 weeks at MML have brought some interesting times and I already have a range of tasks to complete. I've moved away from any development work but I don't consider that bad, more of a refreshing change because the work is still varied and sufficiently challenging.

The last month or so has been quite uninteresting socially, I've just been plodding along - other than a trip to Windsor which was great. I went to an Indian restaurant with great food followed by the theatre production 'fatal encounter'. It was my first theatre experience and spurs me to want to see another one!

The first few weeks in Reading were difficult. I found it tough moving away from everything I knew, working in an environment where were all dependant on electronic communication with few meetings. However, I'm starting to feel more like part of the team now as other consultants come to depend on my work as well as going out more.

Next week is my birthday, looking forward to the festivities.

Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A professional.

I have confidence I am now back onto a path that fits into where my interests lie. I finally have the feeling that I'm where I want to be professionally, which I didn’t have in July with Cirrus. I think that’s very important. As ridiculous as it sounds I take a good feeling from walking through London smartly dressed in a suit. It’s like I’ve jumped and reached the goal I’ve been aspiring to throughout my entire education- giving me the full right to mix with other professionals that have worked just as hard. It must have been something I subconsciously aspired to a while back.

It’s been a tough start actually. The reading has been heavy, though I’m not falling over backwards as university was just as tough – especially the research required for the health informatics modules in the final year. The other factor has been working from home, which I really like in some cases but it’s easy to sometimes feel isolated and/or distracted. Though I couldn’t have survived without working independently in the past I have always had the option to physically change my work location. I am starting to use starbucks once a week and I’m thinking of getting into a pattern of using different rooms of the house to work in- just to help me get acclimatised.

Anyway. Back to Lean, Six Sigma, and CRM for now. I have a lot of different aspects of work to get going with and I’m sure I’ll be blogging more about great days and frustrating days as I start to use these tools more. I’d love to become specialist enough to have the confidence to apply such tools independently with professionals in the future.

Have a good evening, I hope you enjoyed the summer. By the looks of today we’ve had the last of it.

Until next time..

Catch up.

Good evening. I hope you enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. I didn't have any specific plans for this one, just relaxing and catching up on some things I needed to do for work.

Quite a lot has happened since my last blog- it’s been a busy month has August. The end of last month saw me take a big risk by leaving my old job and the following week saw me in interview for my current role. The interview was quite lengthy but it gave Medical Mosaic (MML) a good insight into what I was about and I was pleased with how I put myself across, especially as it gave me the chance to elaborate on some of the hard work and targets met during the early stages of my life. I chose not to sit back and just do my degree but to put a lot of effort in ensuring I gained some valuable experience outside, which I’m more than pleased with.

Before starting with MML I spent some time in the Caribbean as it was my Dads wedding. I was there a week on the lovely island of Antigua. The weather was beautiful, it was a place where I was able to finally indulge in some real relaxation, with my only worry being where I was going to get my next beverage from! Here are some pictures, though more can be found at : click here