Monday, June 30, 2008

A lovely weekend.

Blockbuster was my first place of call on friday night. A DVD and a pizza was a great way to end the week, just plenty of relaxation. National Treasure 2 was a decent film- Nicholas Cage up to the usual standard.

On Saturday I spent the day at Hoopfest(pics below) which is the biggest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world. Downtown was packed and the atmosphere was great. I spent most the day walkin the streets of downtown that were mostly closed off for the event, which consisted of families, colleges and other competitive basketball players. I was pretty shocked that they would close off most of downtown for what is essentially basketball, but I think the same would happen if such a suggestion came around for football to be played in the streets of london/manchester. It wasn't all about the basketball, there was a fair and all the local restuarants piched tents to sell food, I got a corn on the cob followed by a snow ball- it added to the experience. While I was there I also picked up a bus pass for $30- for one month, cheap I know..

On sunday (today) I have mostly spent the day relaxing. I visited the local park and hired another film, No country for old men with Tommy Lee Jones. I guess the best thing I can do is get prepared for another week at work.

I'm looking forward to friday. Fireworks. July 4th. A national holiday. Yes, its independence day...

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