Monday, July 28, 2008

“We will, We will SHOCK you”

On Saturday it was the first time I saw an arena football (American football) game. It was pretty awesome too! The arena sold out at 10,500 fans and Spokane took the win by 10- that’s close for arena football. I took a video on youtube- and you can also see the picture below.

When I say Arena football I mean inside, where as some of the bigger American football games take place in stadiums. Like the Seattle Seahawks which are a much bigger team, in a higher league. It also seems that Americans are contempt to be awkward and continue calling it soccer, while the rest of the world uses football. But then again it seems to some Americans see America as the, hence the 'world' cup and 'world' series for some of the 'American' ball sports...

The American enthusiasm for this sport was quite something. They have the same passion for this that Britain has for football (or Soccer, ahem) but don’t feel the need to get drunk and kick the s*it out of each other afterwards. It was almost like something off of TV at times and it took something to keep snapping back to reality. I also spent a lot of the time booing or cheering at the action that I just didn’t understand- picking up the rules wasn’t as easy as I first thought.

Great game though!

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