Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"That's Life"

It has been a while since I last blogged. Since returning from America its been mental, the last year of university has certainly been my most difficult in education thus far.

Actually, during freshers week I got to go to my old secondary school and hand out some awards, some of my first educators seemed happy for me to have got as far as I have and it was nice to be on the other side of it.

Since being back at university the workload has been as stressful as it has because of taking 50 credits. Since doing my summer internship in industry I don't see much use of half the stuff I am doing at university. Learning about distributed systems and some of the professional development module is about all that keeps my interest going in Computing- I think the Healthcare modules I do are keeping me motivated right now.

THe other hot topic as we come ever closer to XMas is job applications. I have had a realisation that despite all of my hard work to build a comprehensive CV it is all going to be neglected by the bigger companies that want to put me through numeracy tests, group tasks, presentations, etc before even taking a look at my CV. Its even more annoying to find that the people progressing are those that have been able to just stroll through the degree with no part-time job or knowing that people just dont know their technical 'stuff' and are able to bullshit through it.

I think I'm looking at going to a smaller company that takes time for my CV and to interview me about what I know and what I want. Its so frustrating that the bigger companies have to do this, simply because there are so many computing related degrees that they have to filter people out- something I think they're doing unfairly.

But, I guess that's life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe the application processes used by big companies are flawed and unfair too